Cuddeback Renews Sponsorship of QUWF and its Research

Buffalo MO: “We are very proud to announce the continued and expanded sponsorship of Cuddeback Game Cameras for the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF). Their expertise, superior quality and constant support have helped QUWF move the wildlife habitat and clean stream goal forward with the best evidence available, pictures and video” states Craig Alderman of QUWF. “We have hundreds of their game cameras out now on research areas, habitat coops and in the hands of law enforcement to apprehend poachers. Photographic evidence from Cuddeback cameras has already broken an interstate ring of poachers of large game. Further they helped tremendously with predator research on nesting quail with over 5,000 pictures showing the extreme challenge of any ground nesting birds and what the threat really is” Craig explains.

“We are very pleased with the sponsorship of QUWF, it is true to its mission of turning-the-dirt at the local level with hands on work by landowners and sportsman alike” states Jared Peterson, technical advisor to QUWF. “This year with our CuddeLink system they are expanding the research and chapter offerings across the nation. The high-quality pictures obtained in all projects greatly reveal for all to see, the needed evidence of wildlife characteristics or predator changes with specific habitat techniques and the always present threat of poaching and trespass” Jared observes.

“True scientific evidence and research are the keys to sound biological solutions for wildlife” states Chief QUWF Wildlife Biologist Nick Prough, the author of several research papers on habitat techniques. “For example, because of the Cuddeback evidence we observed a definite change in predator movement and concentration because of what traditionally has been a common habitat enhancement technique. Now we are better educated on actual wildlife impact totally as a result of the pictures we obtained” Prough said.

With QUWF Cuddeback cameras have tracked the movement of many wildlife species like deer, elk, turkey, quail, grouse, bear, wolves, coyotes and bobcats. “Having eyes in the field without disturbing the actual habitat is the big advantage of the new CuddeLink system. We can check one camera and see all the pictures from all linked cameras in that area” details Alderman. “This development saves valuable research time, expense and effort getting the best results possible, pictures and video” says Craig.

The Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF), is the only Veteran founded and managed national conservation organization in the U.S., and the only multi-specie and clean stream national organization based in Missouri. QUWF turns-the-dirt locally and nationally with chapters that manage and control their own funds. To join QUWF, get involved locally with upland wildlife and habitat restoration/ clean streams or the new youth fishing teams, visit our web site at

“Preserve the Land and Clean Streams….Build the Habitat….Hunt and Fish for Generations” with QUWF™.